Hey girl! 

I’m Coach Chelsey and I am the Slay Squad’s owner and founder. I have been coaching women online for 5 years now and it is my absolute passion! My own health and fitness journey began in 2013 when I accepted my first hospital position as a registered nurse. 

I was working night shifts and I struggled big time with my own health. I was eating junk food every night, feeling exhausted no matter what I did, constantly getting sick, and having acid reflux at the age of 22. I knew I didn’t want to feel like this anymore and I was scared that I was only at the start of my career and already on a bad path.

I started learning about fitness, lifting weights, and consuming every bit of fitness education I could find! I jumped in with both feet and quickly decided to to a body building show and competed in the NPC. I lost weight, got shredded, and learned a lot about the industry. However, this led me down the path of extreme restriction, a poor relationship with food, and even GI issues that would take me over 2 years to overcome. 

I switched my focus from being the smallest and most shredded version of me but learning to be truly healthy, fit, and strong! I learned how to reverse diet, eat a balanced way, love my body but also enjoy food without extremes, and ultimately found my passion in helping others.

I began coaching those who came to me needing help and soon realized I wanted to do more of this! 

I eventually quit my career as an RN something I thought I would be in forever to pursue this passion full time. I have a calling to help women become healthy, happy, high energy, and love the skin their in without resorting to extremes and unhealthy dieting methods. 

In the past few years, I also became a mom x2! Post partum is it’s own wild journey and a very vulnerable time. It was after my first baby that I decided to become Pre and post natal certified in order to be able to help train new moms. 

I have now helped over 750 women lose weight, get in shape, learn about nutrition, and keep their results for life!  This is my calling and I would LOVE to be a part of your journey to your best self AFTER kids! 

Coach Chelsey’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: RN, Bachelors of Science in Nursing, over 8 years experience in neuro, med/surg, GI/GU, and the emergency department, over 5 years online health coaching experience, nationally qualified NPC competitor, Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist, 1st Phorm Nutrition Advisor

Your Go-To Girl If: You’re a pregnant or postpartum mama ready to get her body back, feel amazing, lose body fat, and learn how to do this sustainably. 

Hello, I'm Coach Kayla. I am a Pre and Post Natal Specialist who helps busy mamas prioritize their health during their pregnancies and postpartum.

I started my fitness journey 12 years ago when I was struggling with confidence and overall energy. I would come home from work and dash towards the couch and wouldn't move. My body was "skinny fat" and I would spend countless hours doing cardio as that was all I knew. My husband started working out and prioritizing his nutrition and I instantly saw a change in not only his body, but also his mood. I wanted that too.

I hired an online coach 12 years ago who helped me get started. She gave me all the tools I needed and encouragement to stay consistent and I started seeing results- and I was hooked. I gained confidence, was more energetic, and was hot, healthy , and so very happy with my new lifestyle! I found a passion for my health and fitness and wanted other women to share the passion too!

Fast forward to today, I have a passion to help mamas- during their pregnancies and postpartum. I am a postpartum mama so I know the struggles that come physically and mentally during postpartum. I also understand how busy mamas are. My programs are custom made around your busy schedule and are guaranteed to get you the results you want. Are you a busy mamas who wants to lose 15+ lbs fat, gain confidence and get hot, healthy, and in their mom bods? If so, then I'm your gal!

As a coach, I will be your biggest cheerleader, educate you, hold you accountable,  give you grace on the hard days, and help eliminate any mom guilt you are feeling so you can get the results you've been dreaming of!  Results that WILL be maintainable.

You are worthy, mama and deserve to feel happy and confident in your skin. It's also important to fill YOUR cup so you can continue to pour into others. You can't pour from an empty cup.

Coach Kayla’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: Pre & Post Natal Fitness Specialist, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Bachelors in Education, 8 years experience in online health coaching, 2 years of in person personal training experience

Your Go To Girl If: You're a busy mama wanting to lose 15+lbs of fat, gain confidence, feel sexy and fierce in their mom bod!

Hi! I am Coach Alex. I am a NASM nutrition certified, masters prepared nurse educator and nurse injector. 

I started my fitness journey during my college years and was not sure exactly what I was doing. It was a lot of aerobics, zumba, occasional lifting and tons of home workouts while I was pregnant and home with my kids for 5 years in my 20s. I did not get into consistently weight training until late 2020, after not liking the way I felt during the covid season. My lowest point, however, was when I was running a brand new hospital as the Chief Clinical Operator in 2017, putting in 60+ hours a week and not taking any time to care for myself. My confidence and energy levels were at an all time low. 

I am someone who loves food and since I was so busy during that time, I would go all day not eating and then have a huge meal for dinner that mainly consisted of fried foods. I never really got over weight per se since I'm physically active, but I was what they call "skinny fat" without any muscle definition. 

Growing up in an era of fad diets, cutting carbs, diet pills, cardio bunny workouts, along with crazy hours in the hospital kept me from reaching my goals. It was late 2020 when I finally decided to hire my own one on one fitness coach and that forever changed my life. I found weight training to be am outlet, something I was doing for myself, that no one could take away. I learned about macros and how to eat a more balanced diet without cutting out any of the foods I love. My body started to immediately respond and at my older age I felt and looked the best I ever had in my life! 

At that point, it was easy to talk to people about what I was doing and share how it changed me. I found it to be inspirational and knew I wanted to help others do the same thing. Especially women over 35 that think their age is a hindrance to feeling and looking great. 

I now help Healthcare workers & older women feel HOT & HEALTHY through building sustainable habits and making lasting lifestyle changes. I know how hard it is at an older age with very busy schedules to make time for yourself, which is why I create a custom program that helps you fit fitness in your busy life. I want you to have more energy and love what you see in the mirror.

I strongly believe in educating and helping you understand the why behind everything we do. I want this to be a life long investment and the last program you need that leads to lifestyle changes that improve your well being.   

As your coach I will be your biggest support system and want you to know I'm here for you.

Let’s Slay together.

Coach Alex

Coach Alex’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: RN, Master’s degree in nursing, nurse injector, NASM certified nutritionist, Macro Coach Certification through MyWay Fitness, over 2 years of fitness coaching experience, body building pro athlete 

Your Go To Girl If: You’re a woman looking to get Fit at 40 and achieve health and confidence later in life!

Hello, I am Coach Lyndsey. I am an ACE certified Personal Trainer and night shift Respiratory Therapist. I am also certified in Sleep, Stress management and Recovery to better serve my healthcare worker clients! 

I started my fitness journey when I first started working 12 hour night shifts and I was STRUGGLING. My confidence and energy levels were low. 

I was someone that thought I should eat as little as possible to be skinny. I would under eat thinking I was doing the right thing just to have intense cravings and want to eat anything and everything in sight.

Being surrounded by fad diets and working crazy hours in the hospital just confused me more on what I should be doing to reach my goals and did not help my poor relationship with food. 

I hit a low point and decided to hire my own one on one fitness coach and that is when my life changed. I started to find balance and heal my relationship with food. I realized that the answer isn't eating as little as possible but to fuel my body so I did not have intense cravings.

I found a passion for fitness and knew I needed to help and support other healthcare workers!! 

I now help healthcare workers feel HOT & HEALTHY through building sustainable habits and making lasting lifestyle changes. That's right!!! No more cutting carbs!!! I know how hard it is to work in healthcare and that is why I create a custom program that helps you fit fitness in your life and not let fitness take up your entire life. I want you to have more energy and feel your scrubs getting looser and looser. I want you to STOP having so many cravings on your days off and heal your relationship with food because I know how life changing it is.

My method is based on my own personal experience of getting fit while working 12s but it is also backed by science and has been proven to work by helping 100s of women lose fat and build muscle. 

I strongly believe in education and helping you understand the why behind everything we do. I don’t want you to just see results while you work with me. I want this to be a life long investment that changes your entire life.  

As your coach I will be your biggest cheerleader, support you and educate you to make LASTING changes. 

Let’s work together.

Coach Lyndsey’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist, ACE Certified CPT, 1.5 years experience as a one on one fitness coach, Sleep, Stress management and Recovery Certification, Bachelors of Science

Your Go To Girl If: You’re a busy healthcare worker wanting to build lean muscle, drop body fat, and get fit while working 12 hour shifts. 

Hello, I am Coach Shelby. I am an NASM certified Personal Trainer and a first time mama. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and a Neuro-functional stretching certification to help serve mama’s who want to take back their health. 

I started my fitness journey in 2013 when I signed to play college softball. I would train up to 3x a day multiple times a week and fell in love with the grind. In 2014 I was very sluggish, lost over 20 pounds, was depressed, and anxiety driven. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis, this really forced me to start paying attention to my body outside of the weight room. I ended up going gluten free for 5 years. Over the years I have tried most of the fad diets and leaned heavily on intermittent fasting. Soon I realized my body and thyroid went back to how I felt right before I got diagnosed. After college softball I had a really bad relationship with the gym. I was on and off never doing the same program and would take weeks off at a time when I would actually start to see results because I thought I didn’t need to continue. I had a very poor ending to college softball which made me resent the gym. Graduating college with a bachelor's degree in nutrition allowed me to start implementing healthy habits I had learned on myself. I soon got a job as a tech in physical therapy and fell in love with exercise again. This is where I really found my passion for helping people. Seeing how their body responded to the exercises and how their pain would disappear was so motivational. I soon got certified and started training clients  inside a gym. I truly fell in love with helping people get to live their best lives through moving their body, healthy habits, and also being a mom. I have now learned that fitness is a lifestyle and not something that can be rushed to see progress. I recently became a mom and I too know the struggle of trying to balance it all and the guilt of trying to take care of  your mental and physical health. I am here to help mama's take back their health! 

Your go to a girl if: You're a new mom trying to learn new ways to incorporate the foods they love and find self love again in movement and motherhood.  

Coach Shelby's Certifications, Educations, & Experience: NASM Personal Training Certification, Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition,TRX certified, Neurofunctional Stretching Certification, Gut Health and AutoImmune CEU, played 4 years of college softball, 3 years as a physical therapy lead technician, and Theragun Certified. She has 4 years of in person and online training experience.  

Hey girl! 

I’m Coach Chelsey and I am the Slay Squad’s owner and founder. I have been coaching women online for 5 years now and it is my absolute passion! My own health and fitness journey began in 2013 when I accepted my first hospital position as a registered nurse. 

I was working night shifts and I struggled big time with my own health. I was eating junk food every night, feeling exhausted no matter what I did, constantly getting sick, and having acid reflux at the age of 22. I knew I didn’t want to feel like this anymore and I was scared that I was only at the start of my career and already on a bad path.

I started learning about fitness, lifting weights, and consuming every bit of fitness education I could find! I jumped in with both feet and quickly decided to to a body building show and competed in the NPC. I lost weight, got shredded, and learned a lot about the industry. However, this led me down the path of extreme restriction, a poor relationship with food, and even GI issues that would take me over 2 years to overcome. 

I switched my focus from being the smallest and most shredded version of me but learning to be truly healthy, fit, and strong! I learned how to reverse diet, eat a balanced way, love my body but also enjoy food without extremes, and ultimately found my passion in helping others.

I began coaching those who came to me needing help and soon realized I wanted to do more of this! 

I eventually quit my career as an RN something I thought I would be in forever to pursue this passion full time. I have a calling to help women become healthy, happy, high energy, and love the skin their in without resorting to extremes and unhealthy dieting methods. 

In the past few years, I also became a mom x2! Post partum is it’s own wild journey and a very vulnerable time. It was after my first baby that I decided to become Pre and post natal certified in order to be able to help train new moms. 

I have now helped over 750 women lose weight, get in shape, learn about nutrition, and keep their results for life!  This is my calling and I would LOVE to be a part of your journey to your best self AFTER kids! 

Coach Chelsey’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: RN, Bachelors of Science in Nursing, over 8 years experience in neuro, med/surg, GI/GU, and the emergency department, over 5 years online health coaching experience, nationally qualified NPC competitor, Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist, 1st Phorm Nutrition Advisor

Your Go-To Girl If: You’re a pregnant or postpartum mama ready to get her body back, feel amazing, lose body fat, and learn how to do this sustainably. 

Hello, I'm Coach Kayla. I am a Pre and Post Natal Specialist who helps busy mamas prioritize their health during their pregnancies and postpartum.

I started my fitness journey 12 years ago when I was struggling with confidence and overall energy. I would come home from work and dash towards the couch and wouldn't move. My body was "skinny fat" and I would spend countless hours doing cardio as that was all I knew. My husband started working out and prioritizing his nutrition and I instantly saw a change in not only his body, but also his mood. I wanted that too.

I hired an online coach 12 years ago who helped me get started. She gave me all the tools I needed and encouragement to stay consistent and I started seeing results- and I was hooked. I gained confidence, was more energetic, and was hot, healthy , and so very happy with my new lifestyle! I found a passion for my health and fitness and wanted other women to share the passion too!

Fast forward to today, I have a passion to help mamas- during their pregnancies and postpartum. I am a postpartum mama so I know the struggles that come physically and mentally during postpartum. I also understand how busy mamas are. My programs are custom made around your busy schedule and are guaranteed to get you the results you want. Are you a busy mamas who wants to lose 15+ lbs fat, gain confidence and get hot, healthy, and in their mom bods? If so, then I'm your gal!

As a coach, I will be your biggest cheerleader, educate you, hold you accountable,  give you grace on the hard days, and help eliminate any mom guilt you are feeling so you can get the results you've been dreaming of!  Results that WILL be maintainable.

You are worthy, mama and deserve to feel happy and confident in your skin. It's also important to fill YOUR cup so you can continue to pour into others. You can't pour from an empty cup.

Coach Kayla’s Certifications, Education, & Experience:  Pre & Post Natal Fitness Specialist, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Bachelors in Education, 8 years experience in online health coaching, 2 years of in person personal training experience

Your Go To Girl If: You're a busy mama wanting to lose 15+lbs of fat, gain confidence, feel sexy and fierce in their mom bod!

Hi! I am Coach Alex. I am a NASM nutrition certified, masters prepared nurse educator and nurse injector. 

I started my fitness journey during my college years and was not sure exactly what I was doing. It was a lot of aerobics, zumba, occasional lifting and tons of home workouts while I was pregnant and home with my kids for 5 years in my 20s. I did not get into consistently weight training until late 2020, after not liking the way I felt during the covid season. My lowest point, however, was when I was running a brand new hospital as the Chief Clinical Operator in 2017, putting in 60+ hours a week and not taking any time to care for myself. My confidence and energy levels were at an all time low. 

I am someone who loves food and since I was so busy during that time, I would go all day not eating and then have a huge meal for dinner that mainly consisted of fried foods. I never really got over weight per se since I'm physically active, but I was what they call "skinny fat" without any muscle definition. 

Growing up in an era of fad diets, cutting carbs, diet pills, cardio bunny workouts, along with crazy hours in the hospital kept me from reaching my goals. It was late 2020 when I finally decided to hire my own one on one fitness coach and that forever changed my life. I found weight training to be am outlet, something I was doing for myself, that no one could take away. I learned about macros and how to eat a more balanced diet without cutting out any of the foods I love. My body started to immediately respond and at my older age I felt and looked the best I ever had in my life! 

At that point, it was easy to talk to people about what I was doing and share how it changed me. I found it to be inspirational and knew I wanted to help others do the same thing. Especially women over 35 that think their age is a hindrance to feeling and looking great. 

I now help Healthcare workers & older women feel HOT & HEALTHY through building sustainable habits and making lasting lifestyle changes. I know how hard it is at an older age with very busy schedules to make time for yourself, which is why I create a custom program that helps you fit fitness in your busy life. I want you to have more energy and love what you see in the mirror.

I strongly believe in educating and helping you understand the why behind everything we do. I want this to be a life long investment and the last program you need that leads to lifestyle changes that improve your well being.   

As your coach I will be your biggest support system and want you to know I'm here for you.

Let’s Slay together.

Coach Alex

Coach Alex’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: RN, Master’s degree in nursing, nurse injector, NASM certified nutritionist, Macro Coach Certification through MyWay Fitness, over 2 years of fitness coaching experience, body building pro athlete 

Your Go To Girl If: You’re a woman looking to get Fit at 40 and achieve health and confidence later in life!

Hello, I am Coach Lyndsey. I am an ACE certified Personal Trainer and night shift Respiratory Therapist. I am also certified in Sleep, Stress management and Recovery to better serve my healthcare worker clients! 

I started my fitness journey when I first started working 12 hour night shifts and I was STRUGGLING. My confidence and energy levels were low. 

I was someone that thought I should eat as little as possible to be skinny. I would under eat thinking I was doing the right thing just to have intense cravings and want to eat anything and everything in sight.

Being surrounded by fad diets and working crazy hours in the hospital just confused me more on what I should be doing to reach my goals and did not help my poor relationship with food. 

I hit a low point and decided to hire my own one on one fitness coach and that is when my life changed. I started to find balance and heal my relationship with food. I realized that the answer isn't eating as little as possible but to fuel my body so I did not have intense cravings.

I found a passion for fitness and knew I needed to help and support other healthcare workers!! 

I now help healthcare workers feel HOT & HEALTHY through building sustainable habits and making lasting lifestyle changes. That's right!!! No more cutting carbs!!! I know how hard it is to work in healthcare and that is why I create a custom program that helps you fit fitness in your life and not let fitness take up your entire life. I want you to have more energy and feel your scrubs getting looser and looser. I want you to STOP having so many cravings on your days off and heal your relationship with food because I know how life changing it is.

My method is based on my own personal experience of getting fit while working 12s but it is also backed by science and has been proven to work by helping 100s of women lose fat and build muscle. 

I strongly believe in education and helping you understand the why behind everything we do. I don’t want you to just see results while you work with me. I want this to be a life long investment that changes your entire life.  

As your coach I will be your biggest cheerleader, support you and educate you to make LASTING changes. 

Let’s work together.

Coach Lyndsey’s Certifications, Education, & Experience: Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist, ACE Certified CPT, 1.5 years experience as a one on one fitness coach, Sleep, Stress management and Recovery Certification, Bachelors of Science

Your Go To Girl If: You’re a busy healthcare worker wanting to build lean muscle, drop body fat, and get fit while working 12 hour shifts. 

Hello, I am Coach Shelby. I am an NASM certified Personal Trainer and a first time mama. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and a Neuro-functional stretching certification to help serve mama’s who want to take back their health. 

I started my fitness journey in 2013 when I signed to play college softball. I would train up to 3x a day multiple times a week and fell in love with the grind. In 2014 I was very sluggish, lost over 20 pounds, was depressed, and anxiety driven. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis, this really forced me to start paying attention to my body outside of the weight room. I ended up going gluten free for 5 years. Over the years I have tried most of the fad diets and leaned heavily on intermittent fasting. Soon I realized my body and thyroid went back to how I felt right before I got diagnosed. After college softball I had a really bad relationship with the gym. I was on and off never doing the same program and would take weeks off at a time when I would actually start to see results because I thought I didn’t need to continue. I had a very poor ending to college softball which made me resent the gym. Graduating college with a bachelor's degree in nutrition allowed me to start implementing healthy habits I had learned on myself. I soon got a job as a tech in physical therapy and fell in love with exercise again. This is where I really found my passion for helping people. Seeing how their body responded to the exercises and how their pain would disappear was so motivational. I soon got certified and started training clients  inside a gym. I truly fell in love with helping people get to live their best lives through moving their body, healthy habits, and also being a mom. I have now learned that fitness is a lifestyle and not something that can be rushed to see progress. I recently became a mom and I too know the struggle of trying to balance it all and the guilt of trying to take care of  your mental and physical health. I am here to help mama's take back their health! 

Your go to a girl if: You're a new mom trying to learn new ways to incorporate the foods they love and find self love again in movement and motherhood.  

Coach Shelby's Certifications, Educations, & Experience: NASM Personal Training Certification, Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition,TRX certified, Neurofunctional Stretching Certification, Gut Health and AutoImmune CEU, played 4 years of college softball, 3 years as a physical therapy lead technician, and Theragun Certified. She has 4 years of in person and online training experience.